VPBX Redirection Page

You have landed here because you're trying to access a Virtual PBX URL that's not propogated it's DNS yet. We have measures in place to stop you from doing this, so seeing this page is not an expected situation.

This page will trigger a reload in your browser every 10 seconds in the hope that the situation is temporary. If you've just created a Virtual PBX this is likely.

If this doesn't solve itself within approximately a minute you can try force-refreshing this page by hitting F5 or Ctrl+R.

At least Firefox seems to have a non-expiring internal DNS cache which requires you to close the browser and re-open your browser to get fresh DNS in order to get to the page you really want to be at.

If your browser does not auto-refresh you can click here.

If none of the above helps, please send us an email (support@iewc.co.za) so that we can investigate what is going on.